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DALL'AGLIO, Giuseppe (II) Worked circa. 1795-1840 Mantua Italy. A fascinating maker, whose style reflects a much earlier period, and seems directly inspired by Camilli or Peter Guarneri of Mantua. The work can appear clumsy and unregulated - the middle bouts have a tendency to dip too far inward. But they succeed in conveying the fluency and character of the great Italian work of the 18th century. Long open soundholes with almost del Ges�-like extended lower wings; flat arch (usually) - some have a higher pinched form; scroll quite ungeometrical and not highly finished, but having some charm. Golden-yellow, sometimes darker orange, varnish of hard texture but fine quality. Joseph Dall�Aglio / fecit in Mantuae / Anno 1814 Joseph Dalaglio / fecit in Mantuae / Anno 1824

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