Francesco Goffriller

Highest auction price achieved
£ 109014.00

Price History

Type Title Sold Price
Violin 35.7 cm Venice, early 18th C. [Ascribed to] Tue 1st November 11 £ 109014.00
Violin 35.2 cm 18th C. [Attributed to] Mon 1st October 07 £ 10625.00
Violin 35.7 cm 18th C. [Attributed to] Wed 1st November 06 £ 7200.00
Violin 1st half 18th C. [Attributed to] Tue 1st February 05 £ 21600.00
Violin [Attributed to] Thu 1st July 04 £ 16800.00
Violin 1730 Fri 1st June 90 £ 24200.00
Violin 1730 c. Wed 1st June 88 £ 17600.00
Cello 1728 c. Mon 1st June 87 £ 41800.00

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