826 results found
Joannes Guillami
Giovanni Battista Gabrielli
Mario Gadda
Joseph Gaffino
Pierre Gaggini
Alessandro Gagliano
Antonio (I) Gagliano
Antonio (II) Gagliano
Ferdinando Gagliano
Gennaro Gagliano
Giovanni (I) Gagliano
Giovanni (II) Gagliano
Giuseppe Gagliano
Nicola Gagliano
Nicola (II) Gagliano
Raffaele Gagliano
Vincenzo Gagliano
Giovanni Battista Gaibisso
Giovanni Gaida
Charles Gaillard
Jules Gaillard-Lajoue
Luigi Galimberti
Anton Galla
Luc Gallicane
Pietro Gallinotti
Claudio Gamberini
Charles Adolphe Gand
Charles Francois Gand
Francisco Gand
Guillaume Charles Louis Gand
William Ganshirt
Luciano Gardner
Ferdinando Garimberti
Eugen Gartner
Antonio Gastano
Ernesto Gatti
Giorgio Gatti
Willis M. Gault
Pierre Gauthie
Francois Gavinies
William George Geary
Joseph Benedikt (I) Gedler
Hermann Geipel
Franz Geissenhof
August Martin Gemunder
August Martin Ludwig Gemunder
George (I) Gemunder
Oscar Henry Gemunder
Giovanni Battista Genova
Riccardo Genovese
Carl H. George
Augustin Gerard
Emile Germain
Joseph Louis Germain
Giovanni Gerosa
Treffle R. Gervais
Giuseppe Giachetti
Jeffery James Gilbert
James Gilchrist
Samuel Gilkes
Lovett G. Gill
Mario Girardi
Andreas Gisalberti
Armando Giulietti
Conrad Glaesel
Ludwig (II) Glaesel
Otto Glaesel
And Mossner Glaesel
Friedrich August (II) Glass
Johann Glass
William Glenister
C. G. And SOHNEN Glier
Robert (II) Glier
Karimier Glisrorynski
Francesco Gobetti
Francesco Goffriller
Matteo Goffriller
Friedrich Goldnagl
Solar Fernandu Gonzalez
Bert Goodwin
Walter Solon Goss
Jean Gosselin
Anselmo Gotti
Orsolo Gotti
C. A. Gotz
Johann Michael Gotz
Rudolph Gotz
John Alfred Gould
Antonio Gragnani
Onorato Gragnani
Francesco (I) Grancino
Giovanni Battista (I) Grancino
Jean Baptiste Grand-Gerrard
Geronimo Grandini
Jules Joseph Grandjon
L. Grandjon
Propser Gerard Grandjon
Denis Granier
Thomas Grater
William Green
Manfred Gregoric
Carl Grimm
Otto Groh
Paul Francois Grosset
Max Grossmann
Leslie Grover
Pietro Grulli
Antonio Guadagnini
Francesco Guadagnini
Gaetano (II) Guadagnini
Giovanni Battista Guadagnini
Giuseppe Guadagnini
Paolo Guadagnini
Bartolomeo Giuseppe Guarneri
Giuseppe Guarneri
Pietro (I) Guarneri
Pietro (II) Guarneri
Andrea Guarnerius
Alfredo Guastalla
Dante Guastalla
Alberto Guerra
Evasio Emiliano Guerra
Louis Guersan
Giovanni Guidanti
Juan (I) Guillami
Charles Guinot
R. Guiton
Mathias Gulich
Gustav Gunther
Alfred Gutter
Walter Georg Gutter
Jules Gaillard
B Gioffreda
Giorgio Gondolo
Peter Goodfellow
Gaetano Gadda
Giorgio Grisales
Alfredo Gianotti
Romano Gaiani
Lorenzo Guado
Charles W. Gadd
Joseph J. Gadd
Gaetano Gadd
J. N. Gade
Soren Nielsen Gade
Geoffrey Gafteth
Charles Gage
Alberto Gagliano
Carlo Gagliano
Cesare Gaida
Silvio Gaida
Louis Gaillard
Howard Gainey
Louis Gairoud
Antonio Galanti
Gioachino Galassi
Pietro Galbani
Carlo Antonio Galbusera
Alfredo G. Galea
Adelino Galeazzi
Eugino Galeazzi
Filippo Galieri
Giuseppe Galieri
Arcellaschi Galileo
Darius Gallagher
Johann Galland
Gioacchino Gallesi
Domenico Galli
Tetto Gallo
Paul Gallrein
Ernesto Galram
Joaquin Jose Galram
Rocco Galtani
Giuseppe Galvani
Antonello Gamberini
Sebastiano Gambino
Ernest Gamble
Andreas Gambon
Louis Gambon
Alexis Gand
Charles Michel Gand
Charles Nicolas Eugene Gand
Prosper Gandi
Franz Gandl
Franz Carl Gandl
Johann Gandl
Johann Joseph Gandl
Michael Gandl
Paul Gandl
Giovanni Gandolfi
Giuseppe Gandolfi
T. Gene Gandy
William Gans
Luigi Ganzerla
Janos Garai
Michael Angelo Garani
Nicolo Garani
L. Garceux
Frederico Gardelli
James Garden
Victor Ettore Gardener
Pierson Gardiner
Edgar Garding
Charles Gardner
Ellery J. Gardner
Hiram E. Gardner
Giuseppe Garenghi
Giovanni Gargo
Goran Garman
Hugo Garner
Joseph Garner
Adolphe Garnier
L. Garnier
Raleigh Augustus Garrett
Antonio Garsi
Reginald Garth
Wilhelm Gartner
George Gaskin
Andreas Gasler
Anton Gasler
Johann Augustin Gasler
Michael Gasler
Joseph Gaspard
Ettore Gasparoni
Jorg Gast
Magnus Gast
Clarence W. Gates
Franklin H. Gates
G. Gates
Angelo Gatti
Andrea Gatto
Phillippe Gaud
Nicolas Gaudre
Joseph Gaulard
Louis Gaulard
Georges Gavalda
Spilamberto Gavani
Alcide Gavatelli
Giacomo Gavelli
Jean – Baptiste Gavinies
Antonio Gavoni
Leonard Gay
Vee Gay
Wilfred Gay
Prodocimo Gazzola
J. C. Gebhardt
Joseph Gebhardt
Johann Anton Gedler
Joseph Anton Gedler
Joseph Benedikt (II) Gedler
Mathias Gedler
Norbert Gedler
Georg Geelos
Friedrich Gehring
Joseph Geiger
Leroy F. Geiger
Oswald Geipel
Paul Geipel
Joseph Geissenhof
Ernst Geisser
Nicolas Geisser
P. Gelato
Geminiano Gelmini
Johann George Gemunder
Geogre (II) Gemunder
Herman L. Gemunder
Otto Gemunder
Rudolf Frederick Gemunder
Bela Gemza
Joseph And Joseph Fils Genin
Marchal Genin
Giacomo Gennaro
Michele Gentile
Paolo Gerani
Mario Gerardi
Antoine Gerardin
Denis Gerardin
Joseph Gerardin
Pierre Gerber
Gustav Hermann Gerisch
William Gerke
Louis (I) Germain
Louis (II) Germain
C. Gerock
Domenico Geroni
Charles Gerrish
Dirck Gerritsz
Huybert Gerritsz
Felix Gervex
Ezra Gesaman
Giacomo Gherardi
Cherardi Gherardo
Carlo Ghidini
Enrico Ghigi
Joannes Baptista Ghirardi
Pasquale Ghiselle
Ercole Ghisolfi
Antonio Giacco
Celeste Giacinti
Giambattista Giacometti
Alessandro Giamberini
Giovanni Giamberini
Simeone Giamberini
Emidio Gianmarini
Alessio Gianni
Fabrizio Gianni
Domenico Gianoli
Elviro Giaroni
Arthur William Gibbons
G. W. Gibbs
James Gibbs
Antonio Gibertini
Giuseppe Gibertoni
Laurenz Gibl
E. G. Giblin
Auguste Giboreau
Desire-Alphonse-Dieudonne Giboreau
George Gibs
Frank Gibson
Orville H. Gibson
G. W. Giefert
Lorenz Giehrl
Giulio Cesare Gigli
Joseph Gil
Jeffery Gilbert
Justin Gilbert
L. P. Gilbert
Nicolas Louis Gilbert
Simon Gilbert
Elwin C. Giles
A. E. Gilfillan
William Gilkes
Richard J. Gillaspy
Louis Gillet
Elmer Gilmore
Richard Gilmore
Charles Gilwee
Egio Giombini
Enrico Giordani
Alberta Giordani
Giovanni Antonio Giorgetti
Nicola Giorgi
Remo De. Giorgio
Eugenio Giovannetti
Leonardo Giovannetti
Ludovico Giovanotti
Cristofo Giquelier
Louis Fourrier Girard
Paul Girardin
Claude Giron
Jacques Giroux
Joseph Giroux
Thomas Girvan
And Howard Gittelson
Antoni Gitzinger
Antonio (I) Giudici
Antonio (II) Giudici
Carlo Giudici
Giovanni Giudici
Alesandro Giulani
James Vernon Glade
Robert Gladstone
August Hermann Glaesel
Carl Wilhelm Glaesel
Edmond Glaesel
Emmanuel (I) Glaesel
Friedrich August Glaesel
Gottlob Glaesel
Heinrich Adolf Glaesel
Heinrich Louis Glaesel
Joachim Oscar Imanuel Glaesel
Johann Ludwig Glaesel
Ludwig (I) Glaesel
Moritz Glaesel
Oskar Glaesel
Oswald Glaesel
Paul R. Glaesel
Philipp Emmanuel (II) Glaesel
And Herwig Glaesel
Alexius Glaeser
Andreas Glaesse
Hans Glaesse
Heinrich Wilhelm Glandenberg
Carl Friedrich Glass
Christian August Glass
Christian Friedrich Glass
Ernst Wilhelm Glass
Euregott Glass
Friedrich August (I) Glass
Friedrich A. (III) Glass
Fritz Glass
Gustav Glass
Heinrich Glass
Johann Christoph Glass
Johann Traugott Glass
Otto Karl Glass
Richard Glass
Ed Glassel
Edmund Arnold Glassel
Edmond Arnold Glassel
Theo Hort Glassel
Barbara Glassl
Carl Glassl
Egid Glassl
Hermann (I) Glassl
Hermann (II) Glassl
Ignaz Glassl
Johann Gleisner
James Glenday
S. R. Glidewell
August Clemens Glier
August Hermann Glier
August Wilhelm (I) Glier
August Wilhelm (II) Glier
Hermann Glier
Johann Adam Glier
Johann Friedrich Glier
Johann Georg (I) Glier
Johann Georg (II) Glier
Johann Georg (III) Glier
Johann Gottlieb Glier
Robert (I) Glier
Wilhelm Glier
John Gloag
Adolf Gloor
Ludwig Glosner
Friedrich Gloss
Georg Gloz
Karel Gnatuk
Johann Caspar Gobler
Engel A. Godar
Antoine Godart
Julius Goehner
Carl Edouard Goepfart
Johann Goerlich
Georg Goettel
Menard A. Goetz
Johann Conrad Goezl
Johann Friedrich Goezl
Johann Georg Goezl
Johann Wilhelm Goezl
Robert Gofton
Clarence Andrew Gohl
Henry-Edouard Golay
Heinrich Goldmann
Giuseppe Goldoni
William Goldsmith
Jacob Heinrich Goldt
Jacob Samuel Goldt
Lukas Goldt
Samuel Goldt
Karel Goll
Johann Gollberg
Giuseppe Golonia
J. Gombakis
Samuel Gomolski
Pierre Juan Gonnet
Jose Gonza
Aurelio Gonzalez
Hugh Good
George G. Goodman
J. W. Goodoien
Lloyd Goodpasture
Roy Elwyn Gooing
Carl Gottlieb Goram
Christian Friedrich Goram
Hugh Gordon
M. E. Gordon
Jose Gorge
Camil Gorgui
Pietro Gori
James Gorrie
Frederick Gosparlin
Benjamin F. Goss
Edward L. Goss
Philipp Goss
Nicolas Gosset
Jesper Gotfredsen
Wenzel Goth
F. Gothard
Gottfried (I) Gothel
Gottfried (II) Gothel
Johann Christian Gothel
Antonio Gottardi
Johann Gottfried
Otto Gottfried
Wenzel Gottfried
Emiliano Gotti
Hans Gottmannhausen
Albert Gotz
Albert Gotz
Franz Gotz
Josef Gotz
Moritz Gotz
Willy Paul Gotz
F. Goudot
John Gough
John Gough
Walter Gough
M. M. Gould
Raymond Gould
Francois Gouttenoyre
Antonio Gouvernari
Luigi Govoni
Guglielmo Govoni
John Gowerth
Michael Gozzo
Paul Graban
A. Graeffe
Gennaro Gragnani
Jacopo Gragnani
R. Graham
Ray Graham
W. E. Graham
Andrea Grancino
Francesco (II) Grancino
Giovanni Battista (II) Grancino
Michael Angelo Grancino
Paolo Grancino
Francois Grand
Dr. Louis L Grand
Luigi Grand
Rapids Violin Company Grand
Francois Grandjon
J. Grandjon
George H. Granger
Andre Granier
Edmond Granier
Erik Gustaf Granlow
Carl O. A. Granlund
W. A. Grantham
Giovanni Marco Grappelo
Charles Gras
Gustav Graseck
Ben Mckinley Grasser
Arturo Grasso
Joseph Gratiani
Adam Gottfried Graubner
Charles Gray
Charles W. Gray
Frank Gray
J. Gray
Dr. James M. Gray
John Gray
John Gray
Antonio Graziano
Gerardo Greco
Adolf Ossian Green
Garland T. Green
James F. Green
Mountain Violin Corp. Green
Wyman R. Green
Blaine Greene
Sidney Greenstein
G. W. Greenwood
Luigi Gregori
Robert Gregson
Mountain Violins Corporation Grehn
Andres Greiff
Georg Greiff
Hans Greiff
Jorg Greiff
Laurentius Greiff
Laux Greiff
Magnus (I) Greiff
Magnus (II) Greiff
Oskar Albin Greil
W. Greil
August Herman Greiner
Kurt Arnold Frederich Greiner
Hugh S. Gresham
Joseph Gressel
Francois Grevy
Andrew Grey
George Grey
Herman Gribel
John Grice
Felix Grieder
Joseph Grienberger
Samuel Grierson
Mathias Griesser
Arnold Griffin
Guy Aubrey Griffin
William Reid Griffin
William Griffin
Novene A. Grillet
Joseph Grilli
Umberto Grillotti
Carlo Grimaldi
Harold Grime
Adam Friedrich Grimm
Carl Constantin Grimm
Karl Grimm
Marcel Grimsley
Lars P. Grinacher
Filippo Griseri
Corrado Gritti
Franciszek Griwalski
Andreas Grob
Georg Grober
Marcin (I) Groblicz
Marcin (II) Groblicz
Marcin (III) Groblicz
Marcin (IV) Groblicz
Marcin (V) Groblicz
Heinrich Moritz Groh
C. A. G. Grohmann
Matheus Groll
Franciszek Gronalski
Johann Benjamin Gronau
James R. Gros
S. Grosjean
Jean Francois (I) Grosselet
Jean Francois (II) Grosselet
Joseph (I) Grosselet
Joseph (II) Grosselet
Johann Grossenbacher
Giuseppe Grossi
C. E. Grover
A. W. Groves
Franz Xavier Gruber
Joseph Gruenberger
L. Gruenberger
C. P. Gruhier
Alphonse Joseph Grumet
Carl Reinhold Grunditz
Andreas Grutter
Alojzy Grzywienski
Andreas Johann Gschiel
Joseph Michael Gschiel
H. Joseph Gschwenter
Carlo (I) Guadagnini
Felice Guadagnini
Filippo Guadagnini
Gaetano (I) Guadagnini
Gioacchino Guadagnini
Giuseppe (II) Guadagnini
Giuseppe (III) Guadagnini
Bendetto Gualzatta
Rodolfo Guargnal
Michele Guarino
Filippo Guarmandi
Ferdinand Guarneri
Katarina Guarneri
H. Gudi
Jacques Antoine Guedon
Alexandre Sauveur Guerin
G. Guerin
Marius Guerin
Giacomo Guerra
Giuseppe Guerrini
Giuseppe Guerrini
Marcus Guggemos
Giovanni Battista Guglielmi
Henri Guibourg
Joseph (I) Guibourg
Joseph (II) Guibourg
Joseph (III) Guibourg
Joseph (IV) Guibourg
Remy Guibourg
Antonio Guidanti
Floriano Guidanti
Bernardo Guidantus
J. B. Guillami
Felix (I) Guillemin
Felix (II) Guillemin
Claude Guillot
Henri Amedee Guillot
Claude Nicolas Guinot
Francois Guinot
Jean Guinot
Joseph (I) Guinot
Joseph (II) Guinot
Nicolas (I) Guinot
Nicolas (II) Guinot
Raffaello Guisquiani
Otto Gulbranson
Salvatori Gulino
W. Gulliksen
Johann Christ Gumin
Henry Gunter
Franz Gunther
Georg (I) Gunther
Georg (II) Gunther
Anton Gurksi
C. J. Gurnsey
H. E. Gusey
Anton Gottfried Gustafsson
A. R. Gustafsson
Carl August Gustafsson
Solne Olak Gustafsson
Wilhelm Gustafsson
Gotffrid Gustavsson
A. Gutche
Wilhelm Theodor Gutermann
August Guth
Paul Guth
A. Gutke
Friedrich Wilhelm Gutmann
Szymon Gutowski
John Guttenberg
Albert Konrad Gutter
Auguste Moritz Gutter
Carl August Gutter
Carl Friedrich Gutter
Carl Gottfried Gutter
Carl Hans (I) Gutter
Carl Hans (II) Gutter
Carl Johann Gutter
Christian August Gutter
Ernst Ludwig Gutter
Friedrich Wilhelm Gutter
Fritz Gutter
Georg Adam (I) Gutter
Georg Adam (III) Gutter
Gustav Anton Gutter
Heinrich Gutter
Herbert Martin Gutter
Johann Gutter
Johann Adam Gutter
Johann Georg (I) Gutter
Johann Georg (II) Gutter
Johann Gottlob Gutter
Johann H. Gutter
Julius Gutter
Kurt Arno Gutter
Moritz Gutter
Paul Gutter
Richard Moritz Gutter
Wilhelm Gutter
Wilhelm Ernst Gutter
Georg Adam (II) Guttter
A. Adam Gutwein
George E. Guy
Nicolas Guyot
Henry Guyter
Luigi Guzzi
Antoine Gygot
Prosper Gabasse
Jakob Gabinger
Antonio Gabrielli
Bartolommeo Gabrielli
Cristoforo Gabrielli
Gio Battista Gagliano
Aloys Gaisenhofer
Friedrich Galdert
Jean Galland
Michel Garter
Veit Garter
ainé & Co Gautrot
Domenico Gazzeri
Ed Fried Geissler
(Geittner) Wilhelm Geitner
Giovanni Gelmini
A Génovése
Hans Georg
(Garani) N Gerani
Johann Christian Gerlach
(Gerla) Conrad Gerle
Georg Gerle
Hanns Gerle
(Gerle) Hans Gerlein
Andreas Giller
Giorgio Giovannini
Giulio Cesare Gisalberti
Giovanni Battista Giusti
(Götz) Johann Goetz
Johann Michael (I) Götz
Willem Gompaerts
Antonio Gorrieri
Franz Goth
T K Grabensee
Gramino Grancino
Luigi Grandi
F Gray
Martin Grieser
Heinrich Grimm
V Grivel
John Frederick Grosjean
Fratelli Guardelli
Joannes Florenus Guarneri
Ubaldo Guarneri
H lebt Günther
José Maria Guerra
Juan Guerrero
(Gürtler) Johann Michael Güttler
Francois Guillaume
Jean Galland
Conrad Gerle
Hans (?) Gerle
Johann Greffts
R Ginton
James Goodman
Johann Gerle
Johann Glowacz